
Browse Pages

Bands, Businesses, Restaurants, Brands and Celebrities can create Pages in order to connect with their fans and customers on tamilfriend.

Create an active and engaged audience for your business.

Once you've set up your Page, you can create an audience of people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Grow your Page by inviting customers and friends.

Start by inviting your current customers or other interested people to like your Page. These Internet users can provide you with invaluable help by interacting with your publications and sharing your content. This preliminary audience allows you to establish credibility, build your reputation and market your business instantly.

Run ads to get more likes.

People who like your Page will receive notifications when you post something new. This allows you to capture their attention and make an impression. By collecting more likes for your Page, you can keep them up to date with your new products, promotions and events and they can turn into new customers.


Community or Public FigureConnect and share with people in your community, organization, team, group or club.

Business or BrandShowcase your products and services, spotlight your brand and reach more customers on tamilfriend.